<aside> 🎅 この記事は 🎄EDOCODE Advent Calendar 2023🎄 | 12月1日の記事です!😀 (2022年の記事は こちら 👈)
(英文は Notion AI で翻訳しています。English translation is done by Notion AI.)
こんにちは、EDOCODE で採用と組織づくりを担当している @Kyo Yamada です!
EDOCODE は日本人が日本で創業した、とても日本な会社です。したがって、社内のメイン言語は日本語です。そんな EDOCODE ですが、現在の社員構成はこんな感じです👇
Hi, I am @Kyo Yamada and I am in charge of recruitment and organization at EDOCODE!
EDOCODE is a very Japanese company founded by Japanese people in Japan. Therefore, the main language used internally is Japanese. Speaking of EDOCODE, here is the current employee composition: 👇
(As of December 2023.)
見ていただくとわかる通り、直近で日本人が 50% を切りました。4年ぐらい前から外国人の方に向けた採用を少しずつ増やして来ましたが、気づいたら日本人よりも外国人のほうが多いという状況になっていました。EDOCODE は引き続き日本語がメインの会社ではあるものの、日本語ネイティブ “ではない” 人たちが半分以上いるという状況になってきたのです。
こうした背景から、先日改めて「EDOCODE 社内で日本語を使うときのルール」を社内のみんなに共有しました。自分で言うと自画自賛なのですが、EDOCODE の良い文化をとても象徴しているルールだと感じたので、今回の記事ではそれを紹介したいと思います!🙌
As you can see, recently the number of Japanese employees has dropped below 50%. Over the past four years, we have gradually increased our recruitment efforts targeting foreign individuals, and before we knew it, there were more foreigners than Japanese in our company. While EDOCODE remains a primarily Japanese-language company, we have reached a situation where more than half of our employees are "not" native Japanese speakers.
Against this backdrop, we recently shared the "Rules for Using Japanese in EDOCODE" with everyone in the company. It might sound like I'm praising my own work, but I believe these rules truly symbolize the good culture of EDOCODE, so I'd like to introduce them in this article! 🙌
Although I have been referring to them as "rules" so far, in reality, we define them as "guidelines" within the company. From here on, I will introduce the specific guidelines we follow. Then, I will discuss the reasons why we should adhere to these guidelines and their importance.
It's a bit long article, but please feel free to take a look at the parts that interest you! 😀
日本語ネイティブの人は当然として、外国人などの日本語ネイティブでない人について考える必要があります。EDOCODE を選んでくれる外国人の方たちは、皆さん日本語を学んでいる人ばかりです。それぞれに日本語能力のレベルも違いますので、日本語を話す全員がこのガイドラインの対象者というふうにはしていません。
This guideline defines who should adhere to it.
Naturally, it includes Japanese native speakers, but we also need to consider non-native speakers of Japanese, such as foreigners. The foreigners who choose EDOCODE are all people who are learning Japanese. Each of them has a different level of Japanese language proficiency, so not everyone who speaks Japanese is considered the target audience of this guideline.
Therefore, the target audience is defined as follows.
Native Japanese speakers must always follow these guidelines when speaking Japanese.
Non-native Japanese speakers should do what they can.