<aside> 🎅 この記事は 🎄EDOCODE Advent Calendar 2024🎄 | 12月1日の記事です!😀 (2023年の記事は こちら 👈)
グループ親会社である Wano の Advent Calendar もありますので、そちらもどうぞ!💁♂️
(英文は ChatGPT で翻訳しています。This text is translated by ChatGPT.)
こんにちは、EDOCODE で採用と組織づくりを担当している Kyo です!
今回の記事では、EDOCODE の評価制度とその中心的なコンセプトである「Skill Matrix(スキルマトリックス)」についてご紹介したいと思います!🚀
Hello! I’m Kyo, in charge of recruitment and organizational development at EDOCODE!
Over the past year, alongside recruitment activities, I’ve been working on revising our internal systems. Among these efforts, revamping our evaluation system stood out as particularly challenging, both due to its significant impact on our employees and the complexity and volume of the work involved.
In this article, I’d like to introduce EDOCODE’s evaluation system, centered around its core concept, the Skill Matrix! 🚀
そんな評価ですが、EDOCODE では以下の 2つの理由があると考えています。
(1) は EDOCODE で働く皆さんにとってとても重要なことですが、会社を成長させ、存続させるためには (2) もかなり重要です。では、なぜ「評価」が会社の成長に必要なのでしょうか。
こうした背景から、EDOCODE では評価をただの事務作業のように位置づけるのではなく、会社の成長に不可欠なプロセスであると位置づけています。
The current evaluation system was designed a few years ago. At that time, we began by asking ourselves the fundamental question, “Why do we conduct evaluations in the first place?” For many companies, evaluations are often considered something that must be done to operate the business, but the rationale behind them doesn’t always receive much focus.
At EDOCODE, however, we identified two main reasons for conducting evaluations:
While (1) is clearly critical for employees working at EDOCODE, (2) is equally important for sustaining and growing the company. But why exactly are evaluations necessary for company growth?
If employees don’t improve their skills, the company’s overall capability cannot improve either. This gives the company a strong incentive to help employees enhance their skills. Tying evaluations to employees’ development can provide a clear motivation to learn, beyond relying solely on intrinsic drive.
With this in mind, EDOCODE regards evaluations not just as administrative tasks but as an indispensable process for the company’s growth.
EDOCODE では、以下の 3つの点を満たすことを意識して評価プロセスを設計しました。
詳しくは後述しますが、例えば一般的に多く採用されている「成果をだすと評価が上がる(成果評価)」プロセスだと、(1) と (2) が満たせない可能性があります。完璧は難しいですが、これらの 3つの点がバランス良く解決されている評価プロセスの設計を目指しました。
Regardless of the reasons behind it, most companies conduct some form of employee evaluation—and often face significant challenges in doing so.
At EDOCODE, we designed our evaluation process with the goal of meeting the following three criteria:
We’ll explain these points in more detail later, but for example, commonly used methods such as “evaluations based on outcomes” often fail to meet criteria (1) and (2). Achieving perfection is difficult, but we aimed to design an evaluation process that addresses these three criteria in a balanced manner.