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About Us

Who We Are

Mission To create useful products for people all over the world

EDOCODE is a startup company that was founded with the goal of conceptualizing and developing services needed across the globe. We work to create relevant products that will be used by people of all backgrounds. We endeavor to leverage IT/web technologies to provide solutions to everyday inconveniences and ultimately contribute to bettering the world.




EDOCODE は世界中の人々に使ってもらえるサービスを構想し、開発することを目的に創業されたベンチャー企業です。どんな文化や国の人でも価値を感じられ、使うであろうことが見込まれるプロダクトをつくっていきます。多くの人が生活のなかで不便に感じていることを IT/Web技術を使って解決し、世の中をより良くするために貢献していきたいと考えています。

What We Do


Point Mall

Since 2010, we have been providing a "Point Mall" platform primarily to domestic credit card companies.

A "Point Mall" is a web service where credit card users can earn more points than usual by shopping online through websites provided by their credit card companies. Developing such a system in-house would require considerable cost and personnel for the credit card companies, but EDOCODE provides the core system as a platform.

Furthermore, EDOCODE consistently proposes new feature development and implementation to our clients. We are supported for our ability to continuously grow services together with our customers, beyond just contracted development.


Gojiberry is a Shopify app that helps small business owners gain insights about their customers.

We believe that businesses should talk to their customers. When a businesses understand their customers deeply, they can create successful products and services that meets their needs while giving a great user experience.

In an increasingly online world it is increasingly difficult to meet your customers face-to-face. As helpful as data analytics tools are, they lack human context. They lack the "why".

Gojiberry helps small-to-medium business owners connect with their customers and stores to gain deeper customer insights. In doing so, we want to strengthen customer relationships, grow the customer experience, and scale their business with them.


[ Gojiberry ]



PUSHCODE is a service that makes it easy to implement "web push notifications".

Push notifications on websites are implemented using Push API, a web standard technology, and require a server to deliver notifications. PUSHCODE solves these technical problems by providing web push notifications as SaaS, and also supports flexible customization by providing its own API. PUSHCODE will be a product that will make previously unoptimized "notifications" better. We want to make communication less stressful for the customers who send notifications and for the users who receive them.







クレジットカードの利用者が、各カード会社が提供する Webサイトを経由してオンラインショッピングをすることで、「カードのポイント」を通常よりも多く得ることができる Webサービスのことを「ポイントモール」と呼んでいます。こうしたシステムをカード会社が自社開発するには相当なコストと人員が必要ですが、EDOCODE は基幹となるシステムをプラットフォームとして提供しています。

また、EDOCODE からクライアント各社へ新機能の開発と実装を常に提案しています。単なる受託開発ではない、お客様とともにサービスを継続的に成長させていく力をご支持いただいています。


Gojiberry は、個人や小規模なビジネスオーナーが顧客インサイトを得られる Shopify アプリです。


Gojiberry はお客様とその顧客をつなぎ、より深い顧客インサイトが得られるようサポートします。そうすることで、顧客関係を強化し、成長させ、お客様のビジネスをスケールさせたいと考えています。


[ Gojiberry ]




Webサイトでのプッシュ通知は、Push API という Web標準の技術を利用して実装されます。また通知を配信するサーバーも必要です。Webプッシュ通知を SaaS で提供する PUSHCODE は、こうした技術的な問題を解消し、また独自の API を提供することで柔軟なカスタマイズにも対応しています。PUSHCODE はこれまで最適化されていなかった「通知」をより良くするプロダクトになっていきます。通知を配信する顧客にとって、そして通知を受信するユーザーにとってストレスの少ないコミュニケーションを実現したいです。



Why We Do


We believe that there are always inconveniences in the world. We believe that our raison d'etre is to think about how to eliminate such inconveniences and provide solutions to the world.

We think the difficulty is that even if we have a good idea or a service that users find valuable, it will not be viable without revenue. Our goal is to create an organization where the three elements of users, technology, and business support each other in a well-balanced manner while developing products.

If we can achieve this, we should be able to create services that solve inconveniences in the world, and we believe it is the mission of EDOCODE to do so.





それがもし達成できれば、世の中の不便を解消できるサービスを生み出せるはずだし、それをやるのが EDOCODE の使命であると考えています。

How We Do


Diversity and Inclusion

We believe that if we want to create a product that can be used by people all over the world, it is better to have a diverse organization, so we actively hire people from various cultures and backgrounds.

The more diverse we become, the more people with different opinions and ways of thinking from our own. For this reason, I believe that we must also carefully consider the concept of "inclusion" in a highly diverse organization.

Remote work has become the norm, and communication has become even more difficult than before. As chit-chatting has been greatly reduced, talking about topics other than work and talking about each other's backgrounds at a moment's notice has disappeared, and it has become difficult to know what kind of values our colleagues have.

We believe that how to solve such issues will become a theme for organizations in the future. If you're interested in these issues, we hope you'll join us at EDOCODE!

The current composition of EDOCODE employees is as follows. (As of February 2025.)



Currently, about half of our employees are Japanese, and the other half are foreign nationals. EDOCODE aims to work with people who understand and value diversity and individual respect in the future as well.







今後、どうやってそのような課題を解決していくかが組織のテーマになっていくと思います。こうした問題に興味がある方は、ぜひ EDOCODE にジョインしていただきたいです!

現在の EDOCODE 社員の構成は、以下のとおりです。 (2025年2月時点)



直近は日本人と外国人がだいたい半分ずつの割合です。EDOCODE は、今後も多様性や個の尊重について理解ある方々と、ぜひ一緒に働きたいと考えています。